This new amendment from the 2015 legislation is proposed to commence on 1st October 22 for England and 1st December 22 for Wales. From this date, all landlords must:
Ensure at least one battery sealed smoke alarm is operational on each floor of the property (For Wales, alarms in new tenancies post 1st Dec 22 should be mains-fed however existing tenancies have until 1st Dec 23 to upgrade smoke alarms to mains-fed)
Ensure a carbon monoxide alarm is operational in any room which contains a FIXED COMBUSTION APPLIANCE (such as wood burning stove / gas fire / gas boiler/ oil or coal burning appliance / portable gas heater/ blocked flue or chimney) etc
Ensure alarms are either repaired or replaced once informed and found these are faulty “as soon as reasonably practicable” as the landlord will be under a statutory obligation to fix the problem in a timely manner
The Local Authority can impose a fine of up to £5,000 where a landlord fails to comply with a remedial notice
How can Claire-Louise Consultancy help landlords to comply?
Take the legwork out of chasing contract holders for an appointment time; you provide the instruction along with the contract holder’s name and contact details, and we will take care of the rest…
We will supply new and fit legally compliant carbon monoxide alarms which have 10-year manufacturer’s guarantee, within 48 hours of instruction (dependant on availability and access ability) on each floor level and each room alarms are required
We will provide a job completion report detailing the contract holder’s name, property address, along with photos of the new alarm in situ, date of installation, and expiry date of each alarm installed