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Energy Performance Certificate

An EPC indicates the energy efficiency of a building and provides a rating from A to G (A is the most efficient to G the least) and so the better the rating, the more energy efficient the building is, and the good news for the owner is that this will more than likely lower fuel bills. For a landlord, since 1st April 2020 the property must rate as E or above in order a landlord or their representative to lawfully let the property - this will be rising to C by 2025 subject to the consultation outcome currently being

discussed and finalised.  The implications of this are that if the EPC is below a C, you should consider the recommendations within the report to increase the energy efficiency within the property


The rating is based on the building’s characteristics, the fabric, and its services within (such as heating, ventilation, and lighting) it is based on running costs and will reflect the age and condition of the building. The assessment produces a report which will help you as the responsible owner to improve the energy efficiency and provides recommendations of cost-effective improvements for how the owner / prospective owner / tenant can increase the energy efficiency of the building). Each recommendation indicates the cost, cost savings based on the reduction of running costs, and the potential performance rating post improvement achieved

It's good to prepare yourself with the information that is needed prior to our site visit to conduct your EPC or EPR (as part of the energy efficiency report or retrofit assessment).

This document outlines most common paperwork that should be collected together for the energy assessor:


- A mutually convenient site visit appointment taking approx 45 minutes to data collect relevant information

- Photo evidence is captured of all radiators, wall thickness, insulation levels, low energy light bulbs, utility                meters, glazing, evidence of retrofitted insulation and upgrades to systens for the accreditation's audit process

- Calculations - after the site visit data has been collected, the energy rating will be calculated 

- EPC is lodged onto the government central database

- Link to property specific certificate emailed over to you

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